Tara Kleppinger, a freshman, experiences her first Pi Night as an member of Alpha Delta Pi. Pi Night is just one day in the sorority's largest philanthropy event, ADPiathalon.

Fraternity members compete in an head-to-head pie eating contest to help raise money for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. The event is a part of Pi Night, a night of games and athletic events where fraternities compete for points. This night is the sencond day of competition in ADPIathalon and 11 fraternities participated.

Grady Rosser, a member of Phi Delta Theta, raises his hands in victory after being the first to eat the entire apple pie. Pie eating is one of the staple events for Pi Night. The winner of each event is awarded points for their fraternity and these points help to deterimine the winner of the three day philanthropy event, ADPiathalon.

Fraternity members face off in an hula hoop spinning contest for the first leg of the relay race. The race is the key event for ADPIathalon's PI Night. For this night of the philanthropy event, fraternities compete in games and athletic events to raise money for the Ronald McDonald House Charities.
These are some images I shot for my introductory photojournalism class. They are all centered around an April 11th event, Pi Night, which is a night of games and athletic events. The fraternities compete to help raise money for the Ronald McDonald House Charities, this year the event raised over $10,000.
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