Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cape Coral blood centers face summer shortages

Blood donation centers in Cape Coral need donors.

Florida's Blood Centers and Lee Memorial Blood Center, the two centers in Cape Coral, are experiencing a shortage this summer.

"It's a very challenging time," said Susan Forbes, vice president of marketing for Florida's Blood Centers. "Donors may be on vacation but the need for blood remains — it doesn't go on vacation."

It's harder to receive donations in the summertime, said Nancy Hendrick, community development coordinator for Lee Memorial Blood Center. That's because there are no high school and college blood drives during the summer, and many donors are seasonal.

"We're still experiencing shortages of O negative, B negative and A negative," Hendrick said. "We're also experiencing a B positive low."

Hendrick said it's hard to accurately measure the need for specific units of blood. Right now they are low on B positive because a patient needed 60 units of blood. A unit is one person's donation and that equals approximately a pint of blood. The body has 10-12 pints of blood. It took 60 people to donate in order to help that one person in need, Hendrick said.

Florida's Blood Centers needs all donations and O negative is always in high demand.

"(It's) one of the hardest ones to keep on the shelf," Forbes said.

O negative is so much in demand because it is universal. That blood type can be given to any patient. Only about 7 percent of the U.S. population has O negative blood.

"The need is real," Forbes said. "It's a 24/7, 365 process."

Forbes said that after the blood is tested, it is typically transfused in 48 to 72 hours.

"It doesn't hang around," Forbes said.

Blood donors receive incentives for their good deed. Florida's Blood Centers now offers a $10 Darden Restaurant Gift Card, which can be redeemed at Olive Garden, Red Lobster and other chain restaurants, for center donations. Mobile donations receive a movie ticket.

At Lee Memorial, all donors receive a T-shirt. A meal ticket is given for donation at a donor center.

"We try to make sure they have a pleasant experience so they come back," Hendrick said.

Donna Agostinelli, a Cape Coral resident, loves to give blood. She has made more than 137 donations, totaling 17 gallons. She said she donates to help people in need.

"You can't make it — it has to come from us," she said.

Agostinelli is in the minority of America. Forbes said only 5 percent to 10 percent of people donate blood, while almost 40 percent of the population is eligible.

"It's one of the highest callings you can do for the community," Forbes said. "(It's) literally giving someone a second chance at life and that's very powerful."

If You Go

Florida's Blood Centers

Where: 601 Del Prado Blvd. N., Unit 6

Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Friday and Saturday; 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday; closed Wednesday and Sunday

Call: 574-3170


Lee Memorial Blood Center

Where: Cape Coral Hospital, 636 Del Prado Blvd.

Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday

Call: 424-2400


Who can donate?

• Anyone 17 years and older, 16 with parental consent

• Over 115 pounds for Lee Memorial, 102 pounds for Florida's Blood Center

• Photo ID is required for new donors

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